Joe Satriani said :
"practice the tempo and then speed"
Why tempo's very important ?
Do you want play music like race car..? ha.ha..ha..
this for harmonisation with other player instrument.
for training, usualy you can see tempo name in metronome ,or you can use software like guitarpro or fruity loop to use the variation tempo.
MUST SAME WITH TEMPO TO PLAY GOODTempo is statement or something to know how slow or fast rhythm a song, instrument or vocal
usually placed on left corner notation
There are three kinds tempo:
Slow tempo;
Middle tempo and;
Fast tempo
kinds of Slow tempo:
Very slow; example : Targissimo, Lentissimo, Lentoassimo, Largoassai
Slow; example : Lento, Adagio, Grave, Largo
Less slow; example : Larggietto, Adagietto
kinds of Middle tempo:
Middle slow; example : Andantino
Middle; example : Adante, Moderato
Middle fast; example : Moderato Con Anima
kind Fast tempo:
Quickly; example : Allegretto, Allegro non tropo
Fast; example : Allegro, Pusto, Vivace
Very fast; example : Allegroassai, Molto vivaci
have fun..!!