Joe Satriani Tab Always With Me Always With You tab

Joe Satriani Tab Always With Me Always With You tab.
Well Guys.. this is the great song from Joe Satriani,  "Always With Me Always With You"
Very nice song with great Guitar tehnique, slow but very awesome, Guitar tapping, slade and more, check this out.. wait.. read the guitar lessons tab instruction below 

USE CTRL and + = to zoom the TAB

h  =  hammer on         a.h = Artificial Harmonic
p  =  pull off          s.h = Semi Harmonic
/  =  slide up          w/bar = use tremolo bar
\  = slide down         t  =  right hand tap on
^  = bend with size of bend notated above


          Repeat 3 times

- ---4-------4---6-------6---4-------4---4-------4----------------------


w/main rhythm                 {a.h}

                  { p.m.}    {s.h}  { p.m.}               {p.m}

    p        p

              full         1/2 p        1/2 1/2     1/4   full

 full   w/bar          p    p  p                 p                 full

 s.h         full                 1/2      1/2 p           p

         1/2 1/2 p         p p   p   h h p p   h p p      p  p h h

 t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h                             {-1 w/bar}

{-1/4 w/bar}{-1  -1  -1/4  -1 w/bar}           p     p   full p
- ---12---------14--14---14---14-------/19--19~~~-16-------19^----16----
- ---9----------11--11---11---12---------------------19-16--------------

   p     full p           full full      p full    p p   full     p

 full    p p   p   p                      1/2              1/2 p p

   p  p           h  p    h p                  full        1 1/2 bend

                                          h p        [p.m.]     [p.m.]

                                               [s.h    ]

   h             h          p    p p   h h  p p   p  p h h

  p p h h  p p  h  h  p  h  p
--- -------4---6-------6---4-------4---4-------4----------------------

  p p   p              1/2         h    h  h    h  h    h  h  h

      p                   w/bar         1/2

  1/2        1/2
                                      a.h.                p

                p    t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h

 t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h    t p h    t p h

 t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h

 t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h    t p h    t p h

 t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h   t p h

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