How to Install and Use Guitar Rig on Computer

"Guitar Rig" is one of the best Guitar Software, You don't need Guitar effect if you have this Software. Guitar Rig is different with Guitar Pro Tab, you know, i mean Guitar Pro Tab is only software that only can show Guitar Notation or Guitar Tablature, and Guitar Rig is Guitar Software that can give your Guitar a cool Effect sounds like real guitar effect, read my older post about Guitar Rig 4 Features. But one thing important that you must to know, If you want to "Install Guitar Rig", You need another additional Software "ASIO4 ALL". and this is step by step how to install Guitar rig.

1. Install Guitar Rig On your Computer
2. After that, point guitar effect bank to default guitar rig installation
3. Install ASIO4 ALL
4. Open Asio Configurations and then set to 256 (this is work on my pc)
5. Restart your Computer
6. You need another jack additional this is for hub between your PC and Guitar Cable

I used Guitar Rig2 with my Fender Electric Guitar ^_^ and sound is cool !!
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